Thyroid Diet

Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland in the body creates and produces hormones that play a role in various systems in the body. When this gland produces too much or too little of this important hormone, it is called thyroid disease. There are several types of thyroid disease, including hyperthyroidism (increased hormone secretion), hypothyroidism (undersecretion of hormones), thyroiditis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.


Symptoms of an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can include:

• Experiencing anxiety, irritability and nervousness.

• Lack of sleep.

• Lose weight.

• Have an enlarged thyroid or goiter.

• Have muscle weakness and tremors.

• Experiencing irregular menstrual periods or disrupting the menstrual cycle.

• Feeling sensitivity to heat.

• Have vision problems or eye irritation.

Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can include:

• Feeling tired (tired).

• Put on weight.

• Experiencing Forgetfulness.

• Have ha cantato often and a lot.

• Have dry and coarse hair.

• Has a hoarse voice.

• Experience tolerance to low temperatures


Thyroid Diet Management:

If you have hypothyroidism, try incorporating the following nutritious foods into your diet:

• Non-starchy vegetables: vegetables, carciofo, cabbage, asparagus, carrots, peppers, spinach, mushrooms, etc.

• Fruits: berries, apples, peaches, pears, grapes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, etc.

• Starchy vegetables: sweet potatoes, potatoes, peas, pumpkin, etc.

• Fish, eggs, meat and poultry: fish and shellfish, eggs, turkey, chicken, etc.

• Healthy fats: olive oil, avocado, avocado oil, coconut oil, unsweetened coconut, whole yogurt, etc.

• Gluten-free cereals: brown rice, oat flakes, quinoa, brown rice pasta, etc.

• Seeds, nuts and peanut butter: mandorla, meta, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, natural peanut butter, etc.

• Beans and peas: beans, kidney beans, lenticchia, etc.

• Milk and non-dairy substitutes: coconut milk, cashew milk, coconut yogurt, mandorla milk, sugar-free yogurt, cheese, etc.

• Spices, herbs and seasonings: fresh and dried herbs such as basil and rosemary, spices such as paprika, turmeric and turmeric, healthy sauces and mustard.

• Drinks: water, tea without sugar, coffee, sparkling water, etc.


 People with thyroid problems should avoid foods that contain goitrogens, substances that contain foods such as cruciferous vegetables, and soy products that can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones.

While goiter can affect thyroid function, most people, including those with hypothyroidism, can enjoy foods rich in goiter like kale, broccoli, and it does not affect thyroid health.

Cruciferous vegetables like kale and broccoli are actually low in goitrogens. In addition, cooked foods containing goitrogens reduce goitrogenic activity, making them safer for people with hypothyroidism.

That said, it's a good idea to avoid eating too many raw cruciferous vegetables like kale, kale, Chinese cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, as well as raw cruciferous vegetable juice. Other goitrogenic foods include soy and pearl barley.

In general, people with hypothyroidism should avoid eating large amounts of goitrogenic foods.





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