Best Kids Management Diet Clinic

Information regarding the daily needs of the children, feeding patterns of infants, weaning foods, nutritional considerations for all age groups, and various healthy recipes are provided for children of all age groups This is the time when the child starts exploring his environment and gets exposed to the school situation. The number of influences on his mind is, therefore, increased and his world of interaction widened. This affects his food behavior and eating patterns. Due to poor eating habits, children particularly pre-schoolers, are more easily prone to deficiencies like protein-energy malnutrition, anaemia and Vitamin A deficiency. Besides following a healthy balanced & practical diet in these crucial years, counseling plays a major role in the overall healthy development of teenagers. Diet management at this age requires a few considerations to improve their nutritional status are a Proper well-balanced diet, a wide variety of different foods, Good eating habits, A good school lunch program combined with some amount of nutrition awareness, Adolescence this period, rapid growth is accompanied by hormonal changes, sexual maturation and often and emotional bouts, There is a vicious circle formed between body shaming size zero -restrictive eating deprivation& hunger - binge eating - bulimia. We at Nutri Kalp Health & Weight Management Systems Pvt. Ltd. provide the best Best Kids Management Diet.

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