Best Thyroid Diet Plan

We NUTRI KALP HEALTH & WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. have the best diet plan for thyroid. Ever wonder why someone has lots of sweet, desserts, etc., and never gain weight? And why did someone put on weight by nibbling on just one or two desserts or sweets a week? It's all due to Thyroid Hormone. The thyroid gland is situated in the neck, it produces a hormone that determines our metabolism, or basal metabolic rate. That’s the rate at which our body cells use oxygen and energy to do their work. Too much production of Thyroid hormone means metabolism speeds up and too little means metabolism slows down. It is also responsible for how our body uses carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that we derive from food. There are two main disorders associated with thyroid hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. Hypothyroid: A drop of thyroid hormone can cause depression, malaise, and forgetfulness. Hyperthyroid: An increase in thyroid hormone can cause excitability, wide fluctuation in mood, and crying spells for no reason.

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