
Physical activity is any movement that requires energy and is carried out by the muscles. To put it another way, it's any movement a person makes. By definition, exercise is movement that is planned, organised, repeated, and purposeful. Exercise can also help you maintain or enhance your physical fitness.

Physical Activity vs. Exercise
Physical activity, exercise, and cardiovascular exercise are defined as follows by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association, respectively:

Physical activity is any movement that requires energy and is carried out by the muscles. To put it another way, it's any movement a person makes.
By definition, exercise is movement that is planned, organised, repeated, and purposeful. Physical fitness may also be improved or maintained through exercise.
Cardiovascular exercise is defined as any activity that puts the heart and circulatory systems under stress in order to improve the heart's ability to pump blood and deliver oxygen to the body's tissues.
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