Diet Plan for Hypothyroidism

Your thyroid produces chemicals that help regulate your metabolism. There are four types of thyroid problems that can impact how well it works. Hypothyroidism means that your body isn't producing enough metabolism hormones, while hyperthyroidism means that you're producing too much. A benign thyroid tumor or thyroid cancer can also play a role in normal hormone secretion. While all of these conditions require medical treatment, changing the way you eat can also have a positive impact on the health of your thyroid. Always talk to your doctor about your thyroid medications and potential interactions with foods and other medications before changing your diet. For example, thyroid medication might interact with beta-blockers, while high-iron foods might interact with the medicine you take to regulate thyroid function. Limit your intake of saturated fat. According to MayoClinic.com, people with thyroid problems, particularly hypothyroidism, can be at an increased risk for high cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease. Limiting your intake of saturated fat can help reduce your risk and keep your cholesterol level within a healthy range. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. They contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals, but they're also a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your body from damage and they also promote the proper function of your entire body, including your thyroid. Eat iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, beans and enriched grains. Many people with hyperthyroid disorder become anemic, which means that your body doesn't have enough iron to make red blood cells. These are also good sources of selenium and zinc, which can encourage your thyroid to work properly.

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