
Maintaining a healthy weight is important for health. In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure, it can also reduce the risk of many different types of cancer. Move more, eat less. Turning off the TV and cutting out sugary drinks are two ways to start. Your weight, waist size, and the amount of weight you've gained since your mid-20s can have serious health consequences. These factors can greatly affect your chances of developing the following diseases and conditions: If your weight is in a healthy range and no more than 10 pounds higher than what you weighed when you were 21, aim to maintain that weight by that you will watch what you eat. and exercise. Since most adults between the ages of 18 and 49 gain 1-2 pounds each year, stopping and preventing weight gain should be a priority. Gaining weight with age increases the likelihood of developing one or more chronic diseases.

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