
Your success in losing weight depends largely on your willingness to take on the challenge. If you start before you are ready, it can be harder to succeed. Knowing you need to make changes in your life and actually making them are two different things. Weight maintenance is something that many are confused about. They often feel that if they don't continue to work as hard and diet as they did to lose weight, they will gain the weight back. This is not the case. While you should still count calories, eat healthy foods, and continue to exercise, you don't have to be so strict. Weight loss and weight management is still a simple game of addition and subtraction aka calorie counting. The key difference is that to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit because you burn more calories than you take in. And to control weight, you simply have to eat the same amount of calories as you burn. Of course, weight management is easier because you don't have to eat as little or burn as many calories through exercise because you no longer need a caloric deficit to lose weight.

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