
It's no secret that the amount of calories people eat and drink has a direct effect on their weight: Consume the same amount of calories that the body burns over time, and their weight will remain stable. Consume more than the body burns, the weight goes up. Less, weight goes down. But what about the type of calories: Does it matter if they come from specific nutrients—fat, protein, or carbohydrates? Specific foods – whole grains or potato chips? Specific diets - Mediterranean diet or "Twinkie" diet? And what about when or where people consume their calories: Does eating breakfast facilitate weight control? Does it make eating fast food difficult? The good news is that many foods that help prevent disease also seem to help with weight management foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. And many of the foods that increase disease risk — chief among them, refined grains and sugary drinks — are also factors in weight gain.

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