Best Skin Glow Diet plan

When it comes to looking beautiful, everyone would lean on make-up kits from different brands. However, a healthy-looking and glowing skin actually tell more of what you put in your body than what you put on it. Just like eating healthy maintains internal health and a good weight, it also upholds the quality of the skin. So if you want glowing skin that others would envy, think twice and check your diet plan. Be it for your eyesight, to keep your digestion at its best, or for healthy skin, green vegetables are always a good option. Vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beetroot, broccoli, and leafy vegetables like spinach and arugula are rich in antioxidants and many other nutrients, important for skin cell development and attaining a healthy skin tone. Spinach, on the other hand, is a very good source of a series of nutrients like vitamin B, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Beetroot and carrot contain beta-carotene which when consumed gets converted into vitamin A, the most important component to keep skin soft and smooth. In addition to eating the beetroots, you can also dab a slice on your lips while going out to get natural pink lip color that would stay longer, and clubbing it with your radiant skin it will render you a pretty look.

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